
Parc des Bastions is a wonderful park in the heart of Geneva. Along its shady avenues, you can find some of the city’s most beautiful monuments, including the well-known Reformation Wall. The giant chessboards that are regularly used by the locals will immediately catch your eye.
Just below Geneva’s old town in the city centre, Parc des Bastions offers expansive green spaces, giant trees and plenty of fresh air. The park is the site of Geneva’s first botanical garden.

There are a whole host of sights to discover here: The famous Reformation Wall that was built to pay homage to the most important people of the Reformation, the Palais Eynard that is used as a town hall, the library and the University of Geneva.
Behind the giant chess pieces, you’ll also find a popular restaurant and a large adventure playground for children.

General info

  • Outdoor
  • Experience Type: Relax, Nature, Urban

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