
In the olden days, the road through the Twingi Gorge could be deadly in winter. Before the tunnel between Ausserbinn and Binn was built, the self-sufficient valley would be cut off from the outside world for weeks.
Even in prehistoric times, the gorge was the part of the difficult trade route from Grengiols to Binn and across the Albrun Pass to Italy. Traces of the ancient Roman road are still visible today. The first PostBus made a trip through the Twingi Gorge to Binn in 1938. But only since the two-kilometre long road tunnel was built in 1964 has the road to Binn been passable year-round.

Today the old route offers cyclists and hikers a spectacular scenic experience. With its tunnels, retaining walls and dry-stone walls, it is an impressive architectural monument to bygone times.
Getting there: Take the PostBus to the village of Binn, and then the gorge is just is a 15-minute walk away

General info

  • Needed time: 2 to 4 hours (half day)
  • Suitable for: Groups, Couples, Individual, Families

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