A treasure hunt by canoe

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An adventure for the whole family: equipped with a life jacket and your discovery handbook, it's time to go from stage to stage by canoe. Make sure you follow the instructions carefully – it's the only way you'll eventually find the treasure!
Canoe ready to go? Life jacket a good fit? Then it is time to join forces and start the journey along the winding river Doubs. With the help of the «discovery handbook», the task is to find seven hiding places along the banks of the river which await discovery. Some clues along the way make the search easier, since only when all seven hiding places have been discovered is it possible to find the treasure. This contains the answers to all of the questions in the discovery handbook and is the key to the prize: a small souvenir of the exciting adventure. An unforgettable experience for young detectives!

General info

  • Needed time: 2 to 4 hours (half day)
  • Suitable for: Children, Families
  • Outdoor
  • Experience Type: Adventure, Active, Nature

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