
Hot, hotter, firewalking! For this special occasion, it gets really hot. The mind naturally defends itself against going over 600 degrees hot coal. Each participant discovers for himself exactly what is behind it and what fears are overcome.
Can you imagine walking barefoot over 600 degrees of glowing coal? This is exactly what you will do after the seminar. The firewalking guide and mental coach Armin Kiser prepares the participants for this extraordinary event. In addition to theory and practice, we will have dinner together.

Depending on the number of participants, the event will take place from 3 to about 11 pm. However, the duration can also be shortened. The firewalk will take place under purely scientific aspects (no spiritual background). You will be amazed what you are capable of!

On request, this unique event can also be performed at a suitable location in the desired environment.

General info

  • Needed time: 2 to 4 hours (half day)
  • Suitable for: Groups

Group & pricing information

  • Group Size: 5 - 40

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