Maison Rousseau et Littérature (MRL)


A vivid introduction to give new insights into the legacy of one of Geneva’s most famous citizens, Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
The legacy of the Enlightenment and contemporary literature

Maison Rousseau et Littérature, which is housed at the birthplace of Jean-Jacques Rousseau in Geneva’s old town, is an impressive six-storey building. Interest in the literature of French-speaking Switzerland, francophone countries and the whole world cried out to be addressed. Visitors can confront current affairs and the big issues of our time in the context of Rousseau’s work in all its modernity. The intention is that this unique venue should bring together writers, translators, readers of every age and background, schoolchildren, students, artists and thinkers in common dialogue.

An audio-visual tour allows visitors to immerse themselves in the life and work of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. The 25-minute tour, which is available in eight languages plus a version for young people, conveys the unique career of the famous ‘burgher of Geneva’, who was a philosopher, writer, musician and botanist.

As the leading literary institution in western Switzerland, the MRL regularly organises literary symposiums and debates to consider Rousseau’s work or to hear from contemporary writers.

To organise a tour, please contact

Maison Rousseau et Littérature

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