Emmen Valley cheese trail


From milk production to cheese export on the Emmen Valley cheese and biking route - on which there’s plenty to see and learn about the makings of cheese. The Emmen Valley cheese path is an App-based (iPhone and Android) topical cycling path with 21 attractive points that shed light on the tasty and world-famous Emmental cheese.
Key element of the Emmen Valley cheese trail is an App, which serves as a guide, accompanying you on the way with pictures, videos and exciting stories all about cheese: in three languages in text form, and four spoken languages (Swiss German, German, French and English).

The Emmental cheese route both commences and ends in the medieval Burgdorf market town. By E-Bike the approximately 35-kilometer tour (small 1-day tour) or more extensive 78-kilometer tour (2-day tour) is a piece of cake! E-Bike rental stations are found in Burgdorf and Langnau - and along the route you’ll find plenty of places to swap batteries so you wont run out of power.

General info

  • Needed time: 4 to 8 hours (full day)
  • Outdoor
  • Experience Type: Active, Education, Nature

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