Spalentor, St. Alban-Tor and St. Johanns-Tor Gates


The Spalentor is the most imposing of the three city gates that were part of the large city fortifications dating back to the year 1400. Many important supplies entered the city of Basel from Alsace through this gate. From here, there is a wonderful view over the roofs of Basel’s old town and the hills of the Jura, the Black Forest and Vosges.
With its square main tower with round flanking towers on the corners facing away from the city, the Spalentor can be seen from some distance away. The outward-facing representative facade is also adorned with three 15th-century corbel figures: a Madonna and two prophets.
St. Alban-Tor:
In the gateway, next to the large wooden door, you can still see the heavy posts that were lowered individually in times of danger to bar entry to the city.

St. Johanns-Tor:
The St. Johanns-Tor was built in 1356. It once formed part of the third medieval fortification ring that was built around the whole city shortly after the great earthquake of 1356.

General info

  • Needed time: 1-2 hours
  • Suitable for: Groups, Couples, Individual
  • Outdoor
  • Experience Type: Education, Culture, Urban

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