LeisureBern RegionBernese Oberland
First cloudy. From 15 to 17 showers. In the evening first overcast, from 22:30 o'clock showers. Temperatures between 12 and 21 degrees.14°

Bernese Oberland

Breathtaking views, magnificent mountains, unspoilt nature, glistening lakes and genuine hospitality – the best of Switzerland! The Bern-Bernese Oberland region is well worth a visit at any time of year.
Picturesque landscapes surrounded by countless mountain peaks, more than 800 lakes, world-class events and great experiences, pleasurable moments and feelings of happiness, living traditions and visible customs: the Bernese Oberland is one of Switzerland's most diverse regions.
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First cloudy. From 15 to 17 showers. In the evening first overcast, from 22:30 o'clock showers. Temperatures between 12 and 21 degrees.14°

Bernese Oberland


First cloudy. From 15 to 17 showers. In the evening first overcast, from 22:30 o'clock showers. Temperatures between 12 and 21 degrees.