Chapel of St. George

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From its perch on an imposing rocky peak, this age-old little church offers sweeping views of the surrounding countryside. One unique feature in the chapel is that behind the altar there is a “headache hole”, which many people still visit today. Simply because it does them good!
The chapel of St. George sits atop the Georgenberg mountain on a rocky crag overlooking the village of Berschis. It is one of the most striking monuments between Zurich and Chur.

This lovely vantage point offers a view of the entire Sarganserland and highlights the earlier strategic importance of these mountains.

The oldest Roman chapel in Eastern Switzerland, it dates back to the 11th/12th century and is known in the local dialect as “Saint Jöüri”. It is the only example of an arched building with twin naves in Switzerland.

In the time before Christ, Georgenberg was a hollow mountain inside of which the dead waited until they were reborn again. It was designated a holy mountain in Sarganserland, and the site saw many ritual processions.

Why is it a power spot?

There are interesting energy relationships in the church. The altar is a special and particularly powerful place, and was already being used as a place of worship back in pre-Christian times. Behind the altar is a “headache hole” that possesses a great deal of energy.

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